torstai 25. elokuuta 2016

Our presentation and evaluation

First here is our presentation:

I decided to evaluate implementation Pin the Book. Idea is to use pinterest for showing new books for readers and writers and them to meet. I think idea is nice. Maybe there could be own app or website to that, it can be drown in all other material in Pinterest. There is need to readers and writers to meet and the idea of this project is good way to do that, platform maybe could be something else. Structure of this implementation is good but I hoped little bit more information. Of course anything important is said

I think I will use social media like I used before. What I learned is that HeiaHeia would be nice for my work community. I do job where I sit all the time and talk so it would be nice for everybody to have something that encourages to do sports in freetime. I also figured out more depth how I use social media during this course.

sunnuntai 31. heinäkuuta 2016

Task 3

Hi again! Our task was to plan how to use social media application in workplace, school hobby etc. We chose to use HeiaHeia and it is supposed to encourage employees to do more sport and take improve work wellfare.

Our target group is big! There is lot of issues in work wellfare and one thing is lack of sports, especially when people work in offices. And now there is somekind of solution to that. I think it is big thing to increase sport activity. HeiaHeia can make work communities closer and they can cheer eachother to train more and take care of their wellfare. Of course in HeiaHeia employer can take part too and order some personal training or launch some own programs. In my opinion that is great program and more companies should use it. For example I do office work and we do not have any kind of work wellfare program. Many there has back and neck problems and they have to take care of them themselves.
I do not see many possible security risks in this program. Users can only see groups where they are. Of course there can be bullying if they do not have too good relationship between employees there, but I do not believe that would be normal.

perjantai 1. heinäkuuta 2016

rules of conduct

Now I should write about rules of conduct. That means the social norms and ways of behaving in the group or company. They are made so that everyone knows how to act and follow principles. It can be said it makes companys culture. For example I used this:

Their main point is to make fair trade and do not brake the law.  Every companys or groups founders should be the ones to make these rules. They are the ones to decide how people in it should act and work. Employees responsibilities are to follow them and if someone brakes rules inform it forward. This way everything works well. Rules of conduct should be saved online and in physically in place where most of the people who are affected by it can read them.

Digital identity

This task i was supposed to google information about myself. There was not much to read. There was only my social media profiles and no pictures. I believe that I cannot control material online once it is published. It never disappears even I wanted to. So it needs to be always carefully considered what to publish.
Digital identity is formed through social media in my opinion. What persons publishes, likes ands follows. and most importantly how one acts in social media. Many have digital identity how they like their real life to be, not how it is. They act so that they build image they want others to see. It can be of course part of life person has. I think it is important to person that other people see only things they want. It is distorted but it can give happiness and self courage. I do not see it bad thing, of course it has it problems.
If nowadays political figure or communicational professional does not have any information online, it is little bit weird. They should be good at using it and for political figures it creates openess and is easy source to find information. Communication professional should also use social media. It is one of the most important way of communication, and if professional is not using it, how I can trust he or she is capable of using social media. In my opinion political figures should also use social meida. That makes them look like they want to interact with people and it is good way to spread information. There definetly should be some information in internet on both cases.

Privacy policy

In second task we should discuss about privacy in social media. We should consider this in worklife aspect. First I going to write about what privacy aspects should employees be aware about. First they should not never talk about or publish confidental or crucial information for company through social media. There could always be information leaks and always someone else sees what is written there. It could potentially be dangerous for company. Anything important should not be saved there for that reason also. Employees also have to realize they represent company when they are acting in social media behalf of the company. They have to follow company line of PR.
Benefits of openess and transparency are that then there is nothing to hide. When that thing what is hided comes out, that hurts company a lot. It also creates more trustworhty image of the company if its actions are transparent and open in social media and in real life. It is beneficial to share personal information online when that adds value. For example if employee is expert on something that is worth of saying. It also increases image and trustworthiness of company.

maanantai 20. kesäkuuta 2016

Time for task

Hi! Now is time for first actual task. We should blog entry about two social media tools or services that we use and then get to know one new. After that we should write how social media can be used in our line of study. So I am going to write about Facebook and Instagram, those are the ones I currently use, and new one will be Twitter. I previously had a Twitter account, but I did not use it and now is opportunity to learn and start using it.
First about Facebook. I learned from it mostly from Internet. I was one of the first of people I knew at that time who started using Facebook. It seemed to be interesting and helped to keep contact with friends in time when we had top send text messages and that was rather expensive. And of course sharing pictures was also part of my decision to join there. I used it mainly to chat and share pictures, I have newer been too keen to share status updates.
Nowadays I mainly use Facebook for chatting. It is good to keep contact when doing group work in school because of group conversation option. When everybody lives far away of each other, it is easier to meet online than work out time when everybody is at school. I use event making option too because I run one association and for that use it is very handy. We can also talk about decisions and agree on things because once again, we all live all around Finland. I have only one bad experience from Facebook. Once we made an event for members of our association. Somebody made that event and made a little missklick. Because of that event went public and got little bit out of hands when that thing happened.
Second social media tool I use is Instagram. I started to use it because my girlfriend used it and Instagram seemed to be nice app. It was nice to share pictures with friends. I do not have any actual use for it, I just use Instagram to mainly watch other peoples pictures. I do not have any good or bad experiences with it as I remember. For work tool it could be used (and is used) for advertising purposes.
As new social media tool I chose Twitter. After getting know to it I do not see it useful or amusing to me, but I see it very useful for work settings. Maybe not for internal use, but for external. It can be very powerful for marketing and as information channel for customers. This way many companies already use. If i would be responsible of company's Twitter account, I would use it to promote interesting offers or whatever company does. Also I could retweet, tweet or comment about latest news and inventions of that line of business. That makes company look active and interesting. Also general tweets like what is happening in company or what it is doing would be great.
And now comes summary how people use social media in my field of study. In Samk where I study, we use Facebook to communicate with each other because we live in different cities and do not always find time to meet in school. In my line of study, social media could be used for advertising in worklife. For bad examples people using social media I could say when companies take part in conversations that are firestarters for many. In my opinion companies should never do that, it just harms their image. Good example is Netflix, it really sees effort  in social media. It publishes things that its followers like and they are generally funny and interesting.

perjantai 10. kesäkuuta 2016

First task with social media

Hi! This is first time I'm writing blog, so basically this is training for me. First we should write about our experiences, preconceptions and expectations. So lets talks about that. I have been using social media pretty long time. I haven't been too active producing anything myself, I have mainly beem watcher. I use Facebook and Instagram, before I have had account in Twitter and Periscope. I deleted my account in Twitter because I almost never tweeted anything and I felt that i didn't needed it. Periscope was just not my thing.
When I first started to use social media, my choice was facebook long time ago. I cannot remember how old I was when i made my Facebook account, somewhere around high school age. I didn't had any preconceptions about it as I remember because at that point I didn't know what to expect from it. I remember that it turned out to be very usefull keeping contact to friends and option to make groups was very good when setting something up or making event. Also information moved lot quicker and easier than before, especially if that info had to reach multiple people. I was very happy about it, looking other people pictures and adding own ones was nice also. But the most important thing for me was tha groupmaking and chatting feature.
My second thouch to social media was Instagram. It was long after I started using Facebook, but once again I cannot remember exact age when i first made my account. It was when Instagram started to be big thing. Again i didn't had any preconceptions because so many of my friends already used it. Last year I deleted my account for short time. I got bored to social media so I had little brake from it. Then I learned that social media is addictive. In that short while I felt bored when I didn't have anything to watch when there was nothing to do.
When using social media I have learned its downsides. It takes concentration from surrounding world and what once happened there, neves disappears or is forgotten. For example sometimes in Facebook old pictures or status updates jump in news feed. Sometimes those pictures could revive memories from unpleasant moments or show old things that could be forgotten. And social media really takes time. When using it it sucks all of the concentration and then no one can reach that person. It makes conversation difficult and then user easily passes nice and cool things that he or she can see or experience otherwise.